Thursday, December 16, 2010


We extended the olive branch through this blog, but  "crazy lady" won't accept it. Thus, in the spirit of the holiday, we figured what her self penned Christmas carol might be. Sing this to the tune of "Silver Bells"

city street walkers, little rap talkers and the narco squad too
we all get together for Christmas
children laughing, people passing and they're all stalking me
do they know i'm completely insane?

lock your doors, run the whores, it's Christmas time in the springs
ring-aling, hear them sing, soon they will take me away
what I'm needing is a quiet place with soft padded walls
where firemen and policemen can't find me
they're all looking, they're all searching and they're all stalking me
do they know I'm completely insane?

write those checks, what the heck,who cares I don't have the money
I like to lie about peoples faults, but I'm the biggest hypocrite of all


  1. Okay, we admit we have no ancestry named Milton, Joyce, Longfellow or Kilmer. If you can add verse to Laura Marie Thacker's Christmas Carol, our gifted judges panal may add it to the song. However,the millions in royalties remain with the original authors

  2. This is just too cool! Thanks for not stopping the blog. It gives me such great pleasure!

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  8. wow, crazy lady spent the day writting her nonsensicals as comments to this blog. That is what all the deletions are. I guess she was pretty wound up after she was visited by not1,2,3,4,5,6,but 7 tampa police cars yesterday, something about her son trying to escape her house for a normal place. We rarely see police in this neighborhood since it's west of Nebraska Av and not in the heart of the springs, so despite all she accuses us of, she now holds a dubious record that will never be broken.

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  13. Please God, please.... if you're up there, please let me be the Adam in question.

    This could get really, really funny.

  14. Now it's just getting strange. A.J. are you a real person or one of Laura's many voices? Are you the Laura with a shred of sanity? And to the other seven Lauras. I'm too busy to monitor this blog and you're attempts at deceit are pathetic, so please stop.

  15. That's it! I have done it. I have made my way into one of her conspiracies. My work here is done.

    No, but really, voxy - you know I had a drug problem, and you know that problem was not crack. In fact I have never seen crack, or meth. Stimulants were never my bag. I haven't been to Tampa in many months, and I promise you, I have never been anywhere near your neighborhood and am not conspiring against you. Drugs caused me to do things I am not proud of, some you've seen, many more you haven't. There's good news, though! As of December 14th, I have been clean for 18 months. Pretty proud of it :).

    Voxy - listen to me. As someone with no authority and someone who truly wishes you no harm, please try to get help. Life doesn't have to be as hard and miserable as you're making it, and as miserable as you're making it for others. A new year is around the corner, perhaps you should use it to put your ambitions into something constructive. You have a lot of energy that could be put to better use.

    I know I've said some things about you in the past I probably shouldn't have. You also turned out to be a woman that doesn't take jokes easily. But believe me, I am not out to get you, and neither are most of the people you claim are. With that, I leave the whole voxy saga behind. It is never too late to change. If I can do it, anyone can.

    Happy Christmas.

  16. Laura, whoever this guy is, listen to him. It's Christmas, say hello to your neighbors and all this stupid crap can go away. Trust us, it's more fun being happy.

  17. Laura is one sick person. The more she types, the more plain it is that she should be institutionalized.

    I wonder if TPD and TFD are aware of her accusations. They probably have a large file on her and just 'consider the source' when it comes to her.

    I'm just glad that I am not a neighbor of hers. Things would be happening. Not nice things.

  18. Looking for the videos shes been taking. Anywhere i can find them at?

  19. Don't expect to ever see the videos. She's always on about how she's going to release SUPER FRIGGEN INCRIMINATING VIDEO EVIDENCE but she never does. Probably because after review, she realizes that she has nothing of any value.

    "Lets see, what do I have here.... Kid riding down the street on a bike, minority walked past me in the super market, and a coupon for a saint patricks day sale I KNEW THE IRA WAS AFTER ME OH GOD WHY"
