Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We recently read about a wackjob arrested in Dunedin that seems downright rabid compared to our own "crazy lady". This Immendorf mental case actually became threatening to her neighbors and these genteel citizens put up with it. The sow of the springs" Laura Marie Thacker is just a sniveling snot of a coward who snipes on the internet. The neighbors are salivating for her to be emboldened by her twin from Dunedin and try to do some of the things Immendorf did. The pissant would discover in a hurry that Sulphur Springs ain't Dunedin.
We also had an opportunity to speak with some of our local law enforcement and found out that they're well aware of Thacker and some new blog she has called "Jane Castor Lies". After checking it out, I'd pay anything to witness her next traffic stop. I'm thinking body cavity search on the side of the road.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


We tried. Lord, how we tried. We decided to take a summer sabbatical from defending our reputations from the "psycho of the springs". We checked her new set of incoherent diatribes about once a month at floridacattrap.blogspot.com. and at first her mental illness was focused on the usual suspects; police, fire dept, state attorney etc. Then the ignorent, pathetic bitch turned back to the neighbors. BIG MISTAKE! It reminds me of the book assigned for us to read in high school; The Mouse That Roared. It was a pretty cool novel about a tiny insignificant country (Thacker) that declared war on the whole world (everyone in west central Florida). As she wastes away in her filthy, dilapidated hovel and the disease steals the shred of sanity she may have left, we all think fondly of the day she took that travel trailer to Kentucky, wonder if it's still available for her, and pray for a hurricane.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Too bad they're retiring the space shuttle. Thacker would need it to clear the bar of hypocrisy she's worked so hard to raise. While she spends her empty, worthless life trying to dig up dirt on everyone from Howdy Doody to the Pope, she neglects to mention her own life of crime. Was it 56 bad checks? Who keeps count after 50, right? And that mug shot at Hillsborough arrest inquiry; you sure it wasn't taken at Chattahoochee. If you saw her today, the term "hittin' the wall" would have a whole new meaning to you. As crazy as the 2006 photo is, it's a whole lot skankier now.
Stephen, if you're still out there, drop us a line. As we all know, the statute of limitations does not pertain to murder. You mentioned that crazy lady probably murdered her own mother to get the dump she now resides in. Evidently they recently kicked her out of Kentucky, their gain, our loss, the plague has returned. Since we "criminals" are all in bed with the "dirty cops" we 'll request the medical examiner to reopen the file.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Yeah, I borrowed that title from comedian Ron White, but how appropriate to desribe Laura Marie Thacker. She shut down one rant only to start another, Florida cat shit or something like that. The literary crime is that the great volume of work known as Tampa's Back Door Ways may be lost to posterity. It's akin to Hitlers book burnings. Dam you, crazy lady for denying us your insight and wisdom. We were all so impressed that the only documented case of self inflicted shaken baby syndrome could enlighten us as you did.
We don't bother reading the new blog much. It shows the plummeting deterioration of a world class A-hole, most likely soon to crash and burn. Have a nice ride.
A MESSAGE FOR LOONY HERSELF; Unlike you, a lowly coward who had to be exposed, I always sign my comments DT. You know me, the biker, pimp, murderer, multiple crack and meth lab owner with no arrest record. Every time someone comments as anonymous on this blog, you my most avid reader lash out at me. I'm feeling kinda' picked on. You have to come to grips with the fact that there are a whole legion of folks that despise you. So come on Laura, spread the hate around a little. -DT

Friday, February 18, 2011


It's baaaaaaaack! We just can't catch a break here in Sufferin' Springs. I always thought it was better to rule in hell than serve in heaven, but now I'm not so sure. You can't even imagine the sheer exhilaration we experienced when Laura Marie Thacker hitched a rickity travel trailer to her rickity Jeep Cherokee and headed out of town. Rumor spread that she was going back to her ancestral hatching place in the Bluegrass state. At first we lamented that she wasn't from Saskatchawan or further. But after a while we began to wax nostalgic and wish her the best. We imagined her landing in cosmopolitan Louisville where caring, well intentioned relatives presented a relaxing enviroment, spoke to her in calm, soothing voices and then threw a f-ing net over her loony ass and called for the nice gentlemen in the white coats.
But no, when you live in Sulphur Springs you know your luck won't hold. We don't bother with lottery tickets here. This is probably what happened; She slithered into the dankest holler' at the farthest edge of Hazzard county where she commiserated with inbred kin on the dirt floor of a tar shack much like the one she owns on Arden Av. Tampa. Her uncle/brother proclaimed "Laura gal, you know how to write on that compooter machine, you head back ta' Florduh an' say smart stuff.
In the words of my hero Buck Owens "If it twern't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I was one of those kids who spent his days in the woods turning over logs to catch, examine and release whatever was under them. I learned snakes were divided between pit vipers and sight strikers. Pit vipers sensing warm blooded prey and sight strikers being pretty self explanitory. A neighbor had a profound observation about "crazy lady". Whenever she slithers out of her landfill of a home, the first neighbor she sees becomes the stalker du jour. You're simply engaged in one of life's mundane tasks (raking leaves, getting the mail, walking the dog) and the next thing you know she sight strikes like our most common urban snake. But the similarity ends there. Whereas the black racer provides a valuable service in keeping us from being up to our butts in rodents, Thacker just spews shit while collecting a disability check. Now if they gave those checks for being fat, ugly and disgusting she would surely qualify for one that would allow her to take up residence in a much nicer neighborhood, but in her case the check is for being...duh...craaaaaaaaaaaazy.