Monday, January 17, 2011


I was one of those kids who spent his days in the woods turning over logs to catch, examine and release whatever was under them. I learned snakes were divided between pit vipers and sight strikers. Pit vipers sensing warm blooded prey and sight strikers being pretty self explanitory. A neighbor had a profound observation about "crazy lady". Whenever she slithers out of her landfill of a home, the first neighbor she sees becomes the stalker du jour. You're simply engaged in one of life's mundane tasks (raking leaves, getting the mail, walking the dog) and the next thing you know she sight strikes like our most common urban snake. But the similarity ends there. Whereas the black racer provides a valuable service in keeping us from being up to our butts in rodents, Thacker just spews shit while collecting a disability check. Now if they gave those checks for being fat, ugly and disgusting she would surely qualify for one that would allow her to take up residence in a much nicer neighborhood, but in her case the check is for being...duh...craaaaaaaaaaaazy.


  1. Well, how's she supposed to know that your dog isn't rigged with explosives, waiting to blow her house sky-high so the firemen can take her property and build a meth house on it?

    Maybe the rake has a camera built into it, which wirelessly beams images straight to the firehouse, so that they may plan their next move?

    Ms. Thacker is a very high profile target, with spheres of influence throughout the community. If only the firemen, the IRA, Scientology, the mayor, the local UPS guy, the janitor who cleans up the supermarket down the street, the puerto ricans, the staff at KFC, the neighborhood little league team and the creators of Blue's Clues would stop bothering her, maybe she'd stop her brutal truth-telling.

    Then again, maybe not.

  2. Disability check? You're paying her to lie about you on the internet!!!

    Look into any LIBEL suits, by chance? I'm assuming you have and the first amendment was found to protect this loony broad, but if you haven't, do it.

    Tampa will thank you.

  3. She's actually going to "law school"??

    I wonder if those that she spews her hatred towards know how sick in the head she is. I have been so tempted to drive by her house/hovel just so see what's the big 'thang' with her property.

    I wonder if her 'professors' know about her evil rants.

    As sorry as I am that you live close to her, I sure do enjoy your updates!! Keep 'em coming!!

  4. Got anything special planned for a Valentine's Day tribute to Miss Thingy? Maybe a heart-shaped pile of dog poo?

  5. If so you'll have to send it all the way to Kentucky - good luck to her new neighbors!

  6. What? She's moving? What makes you say this?

  7. About ten days ago, Thacker hooked up a travel trailer and departed. We're all holding our breath that it's for good. Yesterday animal control shot her dog with the tranquilizer gun and took it away (we grew tired of throwing food over the fence)Evidently that f-ing bitch abandoned it. So if she does return, her criminal record will expand. I'll be the first to let animal services know she's back.

  8. Well that's a bit disappointing. Looks like I bought this raincoat and fisher price fireman's hat for nothing. Woulda made one hell of a youtube video.

    Anyway, I mean, she totally owns that house, according to the arden real estate property values I've seen. Could she really be gone for good?

    I remember the first convo I had with her. She was whining about the TPD protecting her neighbor's crackhouse and claiming they refused to file a police report for her about said neighbors stealing her dog. I'd imagine they tend to do that when the stolen property is right where it should be? Then she abandons the dog. Heh.

    I guess the police had dealt with her before and they took the advice of Noam Chomsky, "Don't get fooled again" as she has recently posted on her blog (within the last 10 days I might add.)

    Bye Laura. I will miss the online comedy you provided for me and my friends. Hey, maybe the folks in Louisville will stalk you too? Here's hopin'.

  9. I feel so sorry for that poor animal - and I DO mean the dog!

  10. Once confirmed that she's not coming back a great celebration is planned,a feast with drunkeness, gluttony and debauchery (a couple six packs, pizza and dirty jokes, I told ya' we were old farts). I intend to dust off my old turntable and find my 45 of the Royal Guardsmen"s "Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead" and play it over and over and over.....

  11. I think you should have a block party and invite everyone who detested her!! Name the date and time. I'll come into town just to join you!!

  12. Not to kill the mood, but she did mention on a blog post a week or so ago that she'd be off to "the black cherry hole," whatever that means, but that she WOULD be back.

    Also, is it possible she *did* have someone coming by to feed her dog? I think that unfortunately, since you were feeding it.... she could always claim this was the case. Not that you didn't do the right thing.

  13. Animal Services arn't stupid. They placed 4 notices 4 days in a row, then they placed a tie wrap on her front gate to confirm that no one entered the property in that time.The red notices are still attached.
    CORRECTION; The Fifth Estate sang "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead" It was a medley of their greatest hits. Royal Guardsmen did "Snoopy and the Red Baron" I know you probably don't give a #!%& but it used to be important to know this stuff.

  14. Oh well. It's fun to dream, right?

  15. She’s off her meds again & posting as PamBondiHerrScheckel

  16. Again, Seriously how old are some of you people??

    Laura Thacker is my aunt
    Irene Thacker/Duffer is my mother

    I honestly know she is crazy but again all of you posting these evil disgusting things HOW OLD ARE YOU!! I swear none of you have a life do you? All this time on your hands?

  17. Hey Stephen, why don't you do the responsible thing as a good nephew and get your aunt the help she so obviously needs? Do you think we enjoy defending our reputations on the internet? We don't. This is a total waste of our time. Keep in mind that this blog appears once a month while your psycho aunt spreads lies about us sometimes on a daily basis. The ball is in your court pal.

  18. desiring tranquility?

    If you desire tranquility so much then why waste your time posting blogs about people? I will admit some of the things I'm reading on here are funny but if I read them about anyone it would be funny & I would laugh but yet after the laughter fades there is a since of me feeling disgusting because of the people I am laughing about. The ball is not in my court I've tried to help I'm only 22 years old I was born & raised in Tampa not around her Thank god I've seen her crazy moments trust me there is nothing anyone can do we've all called & reported her and we've tried to take custody of her children my cousins & nothing so maybe instead of writing blogs on here we should do something about the legal system in florida yes? I'm not saying its a bad system trust me I've worked in the legal system but it does let some people slip through the cracks. I've honestly not spoken to her or even seen her in 3 or 4 years maybe and my life is happy & content I'm just beyond pissed that when I google my last name or a google alert comes up this blog seems to be following me & I don't like to read such vile things spread about my last name. So if you could just do me the favor & use her first & middle name just for the sake of me getting goggle alerts & seeing all these evil vile things attached to my name. I don't care what you people post on here about her I really don't but please for the sake of the rest of my family that is normal & in control of there lives please don't use our last name because unlike laura the rest of us are not trying to tarnish it.

  19. In all fairness, I don't think Desiring Tranquility should be the object of your ire. Bear in mind, if your aunt was not constantly posting baseless allegations about people who wouldn't acknowledge her existence otherwise, this blog wouldn't exist. I recall DT saying previously that a google search by an old friend of his name turned up HER blog, which was the first he learned of it. It is not DT that is to blame, though your concerns are understandable. Go for the root of the problem, don't blame the victims reacting in the only way they know how.

    Also, a google search for just "Thacker" doesn't turn this blog up in even the top ten pages of results...

  20. Stephen, you sound like a voice of reason so let's see if we can fix this. Since you've worked in the legal system you know why theres always 2 lawyers in court, because theres two sides to every story. You hate the fact that your family name gets tarnished? How the hell do you think we feel? Our names are in much worse shape than yours due to the cowardly acts of your aunt. We just don't know what to do but fight fire with fire until she comes to the conclusion that she hurts herself every time she attacks. We use her full name so as not to hurt any other LTs. She needs to be Baker Acted and your family is the only way to do it as far as I understand the law. You only see this blog after repeated attacks, and if she continues, we'll continue. Sorry. We'll listen to any ideas you come up with.

  21. Seriously,
    I'm not trying to point fingers & blame anyone I did not even know people knew my aunt until I read this blog & it makes me feel sorry for you people that had to go through all of her crazy acts and god only knows what else you people have had to deal with, & Yes if you google the last name THACKER this blog does come up also if you google my name it also comes up I don't know what version of google you have but I do have google chrome so I don't know what your typing in google but I do see it,
    I can't baker act someone who lives in another state, I also can't have anything happen to her I've tried I've made so many phone calls about her I've pasted thousands of dollars trying to fight her for custody of my cousins she is crazy & smart trust me if there was anything that I could have done it would have been done by now, Again I'm only 22 years old honestly I've only been fighting this since age 17 & I'm done I can't take the blame for anything that she has done everyone has crazy loony people in there family, You can rest knowing she is in KY the last I've heard, Hopefully she will stay there & help the rest of us be able to sleep a little better HECK I moved all the way to Texas to get away from her crazy self.

  22. Also any information on her dogs would be very helpful, I knew she had a few of them one was MIKIE, If you have any info on them please please please

    E-mail me
    I don't like her but those dogs don't deserve to be treated badly I come to florida often so please if you have any info on them E-Mail me thank you so much.

  23. "We just don't know what to do but fight fire with fire"

    HA HA. Pun intended, I hope!

  24. How do you claim to know anyone's income? This is important information due to the fact that it's considered private. So you'll be explaining that soon.

  25. That info came from your own spawn. Remember a little while back when the 7 police cars came to your house to help the kid escape your crazy ass. By the way, the kid was amazingly normal and well grounded considering who birthed him.

  26. Sir or Madam,
    Do you mean to say you are sharing private and alleged information provided to law enforcement either in the capacity of your duty or then provided to you by said law enforcment?

  27. NO answer to that one, I see.

    Are you aware that there are many people of this same name in the United States and abroad?

    So you're not having any affect whatsoever as you claim and instead are prevaricating and making an ass of yourself.

    But a guy running prostitutes from three homes on the same street wouldn't care about that, one assumes.

    So you should apologize to Stephen for mentioning his mother because, guess what? You have at least five prostitutes on Mitchell Avenue in Tampa and they look like dogs from their arrest photos.

    Stephen, why haven't you asked why he doesn't remove the comments painful to you as he is obviously capable of?

    Handle it your way. I have to assume you don't mind being lied to.

    Come ON, Mr. Keller, fess up. Please answer the above question. Are you sharing private and alleged information gathered by a law enforcement officer in the performance of their duties as you stated?

    Let's hear it, or is that one of Tampa's corrupt elite blogging alleged information gathered while in official capacity?

    I'm smelling money.


  28. Still waiting. Tap. Tap. Tap.

  29. Hey, this is something I REALLY WANT TO KNOW, TOO. Still waiting two and too. Tap. Tap. Tap.

  30. florida cat shit/laura, the reason none of your comments are removed is because you are deranged to the point that you don't even realize what an asshole you come accross as every time you venture near a keyboard. You are truely your own worst enemy. Keep up the good work.
