Saturday, October 23, 2010


DISCLAIMER; This document is based on casual observations and speculation. During the creation of this document no stalking took place, no puppies were kicked, no children were shot at, no wives or girlfriends were forced into prostitution, only legal drugs were ingested (i.e. lotsa Pabst Blue Ribbon). Any correspondense concerning defamation, liability or beastiality should be sent to the author's legal counsel; Beagle, Beagle, Flywheel and Beagle P.A. 1313 Lucky St. Fockinyatz, Wisconsin.

6 AM clock radio clicks on, permenently tuned to station that plays Buffalo Springfield's For what it's worth "PARANOIA STRIKES DEEP, INTO YOUR LIFE IT WILL CREEP.....
6:05 listen for sounds on roof, loud sounds Tampa firemen (fatasses), light sounds Pasco firemen (little skinny guys) but maybe sometimes they work together, Pasco pouring acid on shingles, Tampa pumping benzene into my water meter. I bet mayor Pam is over there watching from fatass Scott's crackhouse just loving all this.
6:09 look out front window to make sure Claudio hasn't killed my dog (author's note, if the little SOB keeps barking at 4AM there may be grounds here)
6:14 consume breakfast (2 cups of delusion, 1 bowl of hallucination)
6:30 slightly open door making sure rabid UPS man Jerry is not poised with huge brown truck to crush me
6:34 look under grey Jeep Cherokee to see if Colin's IRA thugs planted ignition bomb. After all, they are the wee people and could easily slip under.
6:39 drive around the block to see if I can catch Keller red handed rounding up the neighborhood women after they spent the night on Nebraska Av and splitting the profits with Sgt. Mumford.
6:44 start driving to Pinellas libraries for free computer time to write garbage because Hillsborough kicked me out.
6:56 I-275 take pictures of stalkers all around me. green car in left lane (IRA) Tome's around here somewhere, I just know it, red P/U behind me, GD firemen again, head swiveling, camera clicking, semi slams on brakes in front of me.......
MORAL OF STORY; Laura, get help!